Posts Tagged ‘Association’

Securing your association’s website
  • Cody Hobbs
  • 0 Comment
  • Association . cyber security . security .

After the Equafax security breech, website security has become a hot topic.  Members who sign up with your association want to have the peace of mind in knowing that their private information is kept safe.  What can you do to make sure this is so? 1: Make sure your platform is kept up to date.  If your associations website uses a CMS, then chances are its foundation is using either Drupal or Wordpress.  Both companies frequently update their software packages, and…

Are associations dying?
  • Cody Hobbs
  • 0 Comment
  • Association . dying industry . modern . networking . technology .

Let's cut to the chase -- are associations dying?  We've talked quite a bit about how associations can attract younger members, how they can update their website in meaningful ways, and how they can use social media to drive traffic.  But all of this is for nothing if the industry is simply dying.  After all, why invest in marketing and big tech upgrades when they won't be around long enough to be of any benefit? Those of you who have…

5 myths about millennials busted
  • Cody Hobbs
  • 0 Comment
  • Association . millennial . myth .

Those gosh darn millennials, amiright?  We all know that it's been said about every past generation since the beginning of recorded history, but millennials are just the worst!  They're all so entitled, lazy, and they're killers of industry.  And the worst part, like a swarm of cicada's, they are coming.  And they're taking over, too.  They're making up an increasingly larger percentage of the workforce, and they're starting to run for office.  They're our doctors, lawyers, police officers.  So are…