Earth Friendly Practices at the Office

Earth Friendly Practices at the Office
Earth Friendly Practices at the Office
  • Allison England
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It’s Earth Day! Today, we appreciate our beautiful planet and reflect on ways to become more Earth-friendly.  Earth Day began as a grassroots movement in 1970, and was intended to bring awareness to pollution, toxic dumps, pesticides and deforestation. Earth Day is now celebrated worldwide, and, according to Alina Bradford, a contributor at, it is estimated that over 200 million people in 141 countries celebrate Earth day each year.

Introducing Earth friendly practices  in the workplace can be accomplished with just a few small changes….

1. Supply Recycling Options- provide recycling bins for paper and plastic recyclables. Ask employees to recycle old documents instead of trashing them. 

2. Shut it down- Ask employees to turn off computers at the end of the day, there is no sense in paying for power usage when no one is working. Kate McFarlin, author of How to Introduce a Green Work Practice at Your Workplacerecommends that you “[s]et up a policy for turning computers and office equipment off at the end of the day. Running computers and office equipment overnight can be a big drain not only on the environment but also on your company’s bottom line. Training everyone to turn off their machines at night can equal to saving hundreds of dollars every year.”

3. Purchase “Green” Products- Since earth friendly practices have gone mainstream, it is easy to find Earth friendly office suppliers at many retailers. Almost anything office related, from furniture to paper, is available in an Earth friendly version.



Allison provides training and quality assurance at System Solutions Inc. She has been with the company since 2012. In her free time, she enjoys outdoor activities including running, cycling and hiking.