Behind the Smoke and Mirrors of Managed Hosting

Behind the Smoke and Mirrors of Managed Hosting
Behind the Smoke and Mirrors of Managed Hosting
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Fully Managed Hosting:

Choosing the perfect dedicated server from the right hosting provider is essential for your business. With so many dedicated server providers and so many options, the task of shopping for a reliable dedicated server is tough. In order to help you with this task, here is a list of a few things that you should consider when looking into buying a dedicated server.

Once you buy a dedicate server, it is imperative that someone is managing that server. Fully managed hosting means the hosting company manages the server completely for you. So what does “Fully managed hosting” really encompass?

Data Center Facilities:

If you are trusting another company with all of your hosting you should know what kind of facility the server will be located in. The location and resources that facility has is key. Here are some points to keep in mind when looking into a facility:

1) Redundant bandwidth

2) Power redundancy

3) On-site security

4)Cooling systems

Remote Reboot Capability:

Remote Reboot Capability gives the clients access to restarting your server from a remote location. This does not require the hosting company to conduct the restart for you. With restarting the server remotely it will give you more control over when you want to do software updates and sever maintenance from your end. Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) is great service that makes it possible to do remote power management for your servers.

Technical Support:

A reliable hosting service will always provide 24/7/365 technical support via phone or live chat. When you have paid for a dedicated server you need a dedicated team to work with you in the chance you need help.It is also smart to look into tutorials or guides the hosting service may provide, which in return may help you troubleshoot some errors yourself. Almost all companies say they offer 24×7 technical support, but when the need comes they are not there to help. Always check that you have a phone number and an account manager for your server so that you can call and talk in case you have any issues.

To Conclude:

Dedicated servers are an investment that you should consider for your business. When you are in the market for a dedicated server, talk with the hosting company sales representative to make sure that they offer the above-mentioned services in a secure Tier 4 data center.

Do your research, and buy a server that suits your needs and requirements. Hosting companies make a lot of promises, but by being aware of the services you need and what they mean, you can make a good, well-informed decision.

