Vicki Tortorelli

Vicki Tortorelli
Vicki Tortorelli
  • Cody Hobbs
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Vicki’s educational background is in Business Administration, with an emphasis on data management. In 2001, she left her corporate position as CFO of the International Fire Chiefs Institute to pursue entrepreneurial opportunities, and began her venture in database design for small business. Vicki’s passion is serving organizations through web centered technologies to better utilize, share and exchange business information with all stakeholders in their niche business circles.

Vicki’s key strengths are in Business Operational Processes, and workflow analysis. She streamlines these manual processes into collaborative on-line web working environment tools. She is proficient in all aspects of project management — from needs analysis and determination of scope, to evaluation and allocation of resources and identification and mitigation of risks and through, on time, on-budget delivery and customer acceptance.

