Posts Tagged ‘Random’

Earth Friendly Practices at the Office
  • Allison England
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  • Random .

It's Earth Day! Today, we appreciate our beautiful planet and reflect on ways to become more Earth-friendly.  Earth Day began as a grassroots movement in 1970, and was intended to bring awareness to pollution, toxic dumps, pesticides and deforestation. Earth Day is now celebrated worldwide, and, according to Alina Bradford, a contributor at, it is estimated that over 200 million people in 141 countries celebrate Earth day each year. Introducing Earth friendly practices  in the workplace can be accomplished with…

Record Breaking Snow at the S.S.I. Office
  • Tanner Force
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  • Random .

[titleblock size="h1"]Snow![/titleblock] It's a New Year's sign of fortune for System Solutions Inc. (S.S.I.) today. Wrapping up the last day of the year, with the most snow Temecula has experienced in the last 10 years. People may think they are safe from the snow in sunny California, yet the weather says different. It has snowed four time in the recent past, the years of 1985, 2002, 2004, and now 2014! It began to snow around 10:00 pm on the 30th…