Scott Thomas

Scott Thomas
Scott Thomas
  • Cody Hobbs
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Scott currently oversees all design and development of core technology at SSI.   He has over 25 years of professional experience with computer and software systems.  He worked for Loma Linda University Medical Center for five years as a computer scientist responsible for designing, developing and implementing Windows/Unix programs designed to operate and manage the Cutting Edge (Proton Therapy) Cancer Treatment Equipment. He then went on to work with NASA in developing information systems to track and analyze the effects of long term space travel on computer hardware.

As a veteran programmer, Scott has been performing advanced module programming of Drupal since 2004.  As a LAMP developer specializing in RedHat EL 2,3,4,5 and 6, Scott has utilized Linux to develop web applications by special appliance servers such as voice mail systems, router/firewall connection managers and other systems based on Linux. He has a deep knowledge of the technology stack and understands how to realize its full potential.  Scott has also developed on the UNIX platform and has utilized Tomcat and Oracle to deliver a multinational e-commerce trading system for goods.  His experience in architecting online enterprise information systems is valuable, not only in terms of security, but in performance and reliability standards as well. Scott has had formal training and successfully completed certified education at the university level; however he prides himself on being a self taught programmer in several languages on different platforms including Linux, Apache 2.x, MySQL and Oracle, PHP, Javascript, Java, C++, JSP, Pearl and shell scripting. He believes in continuing his education and staying current with this ever evolving technology arena. Over the years, he has enjoyed much success due to his intuitiveness and understanding of complex systems and his passion for the field.


