Don't Double Your Efforts, Double Dip Instead

Don’t Double Your Efforts, Double Dip Instead
Don’t Double Your Efforts, Double Dip Instead
  • Cody Hobbs
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When considering the design and compatibility of your website, you should take into consideration, what is the member’s experience going to be like? With the demand of mobile-ready websites on the rise, many associations have been putting in the extra effort of building two websites. One for the traditional desktop/laptop experience and one for the mobile user. Unfortunately, this route is no longer feasible and/or cost efficient. By double dipping your efforts into a backend CMS (Content Management Systems) like Drupal, you can use their software to create a website that is friendly to both mobile and desktop/laptop users. Here are some things to consider:

Integration Software

Drupal’s open source platform is not just compatible with your traditional PCs and Android systems, it is also very compatible with Apple software. To take this competitive edge further, Drupal is attempting to make mobile a priority in their integrated software by using their mobile-first architecture. This will allow associations to focus more on the content they are wanting to put out to their members as Drupal takes care of the technical ends.

Responsive Website

Many issues that websites will face, especially when trying to create two separate sites, is making sure that both are consistent and responsive. Can you imagine a time where you would have to read a full website without any finger zooming? Still, finger zooming can make the users frustrated. According to Google reports, more than half of mobile users don’t wish to revisit a website without a non-mobile theme.  With a responsive web design that Drupal provides, it delivers an optimal viewing experience and an easy navigation. Something that both your association and your members will enjoy.


Probably one of the most important aspects when considering your website, your SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Google says that you will actually have better results by having a responsive website, rather than having two separate sites. By creating separate sites with duplicated content, you are in turn diluting your results on the search engine. With the change in algorithms for search engines, like Google, occurring more frequently, these factors can make or break your associations website.

Cost Efficiency

When building a website for your association, a major factor to consider is, “is it worth your time?” If you are going to go through the extra effort of building a duplicate website for your mobile users, it has to be worth the time and money you are going to be investing into it. Typically, this involves bringing in a third party to work on the site, so you can imagine it will be very expensive. When working on your responsive site, you generally have to put in more effort up front. Making sure the menus work correctly and that it works with different operating system, these are all things the we need to consider. Luckily, with Drupal’s integrated software, Drupal has the tools to make sure that your website is as compatible for your members as possible.

So is it more effective for you to duplicate your site or to double dip with an all in one CMS platform? Ultimately, as associations, we want to cater to our members needs and make sure that we are adapting. With the rise of mobile users, it is important for your association to have a compatible and cost effective website for your members to interact with and get involved.

