Archive for ‘Tips & Tricks’ Category

Allocating your tech budget wisely
  • Cody Hobbs
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Money is a resource.  That's why it's crucial to make sure that you're spending it wisely when it comes to managing your association.  And in the current age in which we live, at least some of that spending is going to be on technology. Three words: Technology is expensive.  There’s no escaping that implementing new technology into your company or organization is an expensive undertaking, and with the ever increasing rate at which it changes, its costs rise exponentially.  This…

Securing your association’s website
  • Cody Hobbs
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  • Association . cyber security . security .

After the Equafax security breech, website security has become a hot topic.  Members who sign up with your association want to have the peace of mind in knowing that their private information is kept safe.  What can you do to make sure this is so? 1: Make sure your platform is kept up to date.  If your associations website uses a CMS, then chances are its foundation is using either Drupal or Wordpress.  Both companies frequently update their software packages, and…

Taking the pulse of your association
  • Cody Hobbs
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Just like you go to the doctor for regular checkups, you should be doing the same for your association's outreach efforts.  And in today's market, your online presence means everything.  You think you're taking all of the right steps; maximizing SEO, updating email lists, but yet... There's a nagging feeling nibbling at the nape of your neck that something isn't right.  How can that be when you've done everything right?  The digital frontier is unlike any market place we've ever…