3 Must Dos When Considering Your Job Board

3 Must Dos When Considering Your Job Board
3 Must Dos When Considering Your Job Board
  • Cody Hobbs
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Many Associations have created their own job boards, but what does that mean and why is it necessary? Not only are the associations creating a branding presence for themselves and offering even more benefits to their members, but they are also adding value. These benefits include, increasing non-dues, developing a career center to add value, and creating niche job boards to get the best candidates for the right jobs. With the election coming to an end and the future of our economy uncertain, a job board and/or career center is something that could add great value to your association.

Increasing Non-Dues:

By Creating a job board, you are adding value to your own association, but also your members. If you are able to do this well and contribute to your members needs, this is a great source of non-dues revenue for your association. This is considered to be a billion dollar industry and even getting a slice of that pie is not going to hurt. How are you going to advertise? It’s understandable to be concerned about the lack of engagement on the job board, but the answer is not necessarily going to paid advertising. By going into the community, especially with social media being available, it is easier now to engage with your members and show them the benefits your job board offers.

Career Center:

This will take your job board to the next level. By creating a career center that will help develop those who are seeking jobs, you can now help them to fit into those roles. Nothing will build stronger loyalty like investing time into your members and helping them get that job. The format is very much up to you, you can incorporate interview training, resume building, competitions, networking times, panel discussion, the list goes on. This aspect of a career center is extremely valuable and will definitely help to incentivise members for the new and paid service. Some additional ideas for the event may include:

  • Volunteer and internship postings
  • Mentorship opportunities
  • Table for job hunting suggestions

In the end, adding value to your members is not only going to help your association financially, but it can also be a great branding tool for your association if it is done well.

Niche Job Boards:

When looking for employees, you want the best man for the job. By offering a niche job board with certain positions that are catered to the individual member, you can help them find the right job and help the company find the right employee.

Statistics have shown that Job Boards are one of the highest sources for hire and that is why they should be highly invested in. Especially when incorporating the career center, your job board can be that great source for your members to find the job that they are looking for and that fits their abilities.

By creating or optimizing your job board to address these factors, you are getting the most out of the job board for your association. Adding value to yourself and to your members is only going to help your association thrive in the long-run.

*Exciting news!  Our exclusive video, Three Web Strategies to Increase Active Member Engagement, is online.  Click here to watch this video, and learn a valuable technique to transform you association’s website into an experience your members can’t resist!

