Posts Tagged ‘support’

Service Agreements
  • Allison England
  • 0 Comment
  • Consulting . support .

Service guaranteed to put a smile on your face When you purchase a home or vehicle, it is important to plan for the necessary cost of maintenance. Your vehicle, for example, will need oil changes, new brakes, tires and more. Keeping your vehicle properly maintained is essential to ensuring maximum performance; the same goes for your website or content management system (CMS). System Solutions, Inc. understand the complexities of website maintenance from maintaining and monitoring servers to updating content in…

Help Desk
  • Allison England
  • 0 Comment
  • CMS . support .

Stop Struggling with poor support... Have you ever had a poor customer service experience? Perhaps, you did not receive the help you needed. Or worse, maybe you encountered a rude or condescending customer service representative. The customer support relationship is something we pride ourselves on at System Solutions, Inc. We realize that many people do not have a technical background and may become frustrated with issues related to their content management system. We have many years experience in building excellent…

Maintenance and Support
  • Allison England
  • 0 Comment
  • CMS . Consulting . support .

Website maintenance is a commonly overlooked aspect of the web development project. [break][break] Who will perform routine updates once your site is live? Who will you call when you encounter a problem, or your site goes down? Your website is a large investment and needs to be maintained and updated regularly. Having a dedicated support team can make the difference between and a website that soars, or website that sinks. [break] [break] [break] [break] Why web maintenance matters... Leaving your…