Posts Tagged ‘strategic partner’

But we thought we were doing fine!
  • Cody Hobbs
  • 0 Comment
  • Associations . strategic partner . Tech Guides .

You've taken all the right steps.  You did your research, crafted your online presence, made sure you're mobile ready, and it looks like it's paying off.  Your member retention rates are high.  New members are being attracted to your organization.  But yet... There's a nagging feeling nibbling at the nape of your neck that something isn't right.  How can that be when you've done everything right?  The digital frontier is unlike any market place we've ever seen.  When you were…

A haven for strictly vetted material
  • Cody Hobbs
  • 0 Comment
  • strategic partner .

At the beginning of this week I asked the question: is free content devaluing membership?  While there's no denying that free is a hard number to compete with, associations do provide value in the way they provide their content.  Just look at iTunes: Napster, and the myriad of clones that followed, threatened to upend the music industry.  Who would pay money for music when a free download was just a click away?  As it turns out, iTunes was the answer the…