Posts Tagged ‘Mobile Friendly’

The Modern Association Checklist
  • Tanner Force
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  • Association Content Strategy . Community Engagement . Content Management System . Gamification . Mobile Friendly .

The Modern Association Checklist Many associations are under this misconception of this mandatory checklist to properly engage their members: responsive website, community, social media, and blog. Done. You should be fine right? Wrong. When tracking what is most effective to engage your members, associations need to anticipate what the members are looking for and how we, as an association, can adapt to the trends. The mentality needs to be, we are always looking to improve. Get in the habit of…

Consider This Before You Build a Mobile App
  • Allison England
  • 0 Comment
  • Association . Association content delivery . Associations . blog . business . Community . Marketing to millennial . Mobile Friendly . My time - My way . Next gen content delivery . technology . ux .

Mobile probably use them on a daily basis to read the news, explore social media, or check the balance of your bank account. Apps give us bite sized pieces of the internet with just a couple presses of the touch screen; they've essentially revolutionized the way we use the internet. Mobile apps are also crucial to gaining a larger audience among millennials So how can you use this information to build a kick ass mobile app... Know Your Audience…

The Importance of Having a Mobile Friendly Website
  • Allison England
  • 0 Comment
  • Mobile Friendly .

If you are the owner of a smartphone, it's likely that you have come across websites that look absolutely awful on your mobile device. Websites that lack responsive design are difficult to navigate and often display poorly on a phone or tablet. While mobile friendly sites used to be considered a "nice to have" feature, this is no longer the case. Google recently updated their search algorithm to prefer sites that are mobile friendly. Source: What does this mean…