Archive for ‘Partners’ Category

Embracing a new way of doing things
  • Cody Hobbs
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Last week, we went into more depth on one of the first reasons associations appear to be dying -- that is, the consolidation of industries eating up competition.  This week, I want to cover the second reason: the appearance that associations are reluctant to change for the next generation. This one is tricky, because while associations are making strides to update and embrace new technology, the reluctance of their member base to adapt has forced them to pull back and…

We are proud to announce the launch of the new American Scientist website!
  • Cody Hobbs
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  • American Scientist . CMS . Launch . website .

A design that is as functional as it is beautiful, the new website for the magazine American Scientist has just gone live!  We used all our expertise to craft a wonderful user experience for both readers of the magazine and content creators alike. With a fully mobile friendly design, you can read your favorite scientific articles on the go, anytime, anywhere!

Pay to win
  • Cody Hobbs
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  • CIO applications . pay to win . scam .

There's nothing wrong with good ol' honest advertisement.  It's how you get noticed.  But buyer beware: if you're being told that you've been "selected" to be in the top 25 ranked technology providers... for a nominal fee (between $1,000-3,000), then turn and run the other way. You might recive an email like this, that starts off flattering: Greetings! I am [Scam-McScamface] from CIO Applications; a business enterprise IT magazine published from the Silicon Valley. We are presenting the “Top 25 BPM…