Working with your vendor to create a content strategy

Working with your CMS Provider to Create a Content Strategy
Working with your CMS Provider to Create a Content Strategy
  • Cody Hobbs
  • 0 Comment
  • Association content delivery . CMS . Tech Guides .

It’s easy to look at your tech vendor as just a single service provider.  By that, I mean segregating them to just the “tech” stuff; after all, technology is what they’re good at!  By doing this, you might be missing out. Association CMS providers often have vast knowledge of member behavior and successful content strategy.

If you’ve selected a CMS provider for your association, then they should know the association world – Live. Breath. Eat. association strategy.  They should understand the way people search for, and interact with information.  This knowledge goes deeper than the ones and zeros of code language: by forming a strategic partnership with your CMS provider you can better ensure that your association content strategy and capabilities are aligned.

Using your association CMS provider as a consultant to help place content can ensure that you’re utilizing your website effectively.  Chances are, your vendor knows what areas will garner the highest traffic, and can help guide your members to the most valuable content. Association technology vendors also know about setting up a community, and other useful tools that can help drive engagement on your website.

Don’t miss out.  See how System Solutions supports their client’s content strategy.

